Collaborating with Seniors at University Settlement

This spring I’ll be working with a group of seniors at University Settlement’s Houston Street Center on a project to generate a short performance piece with the working title, How to Get By in New York City. This is my first time collaborating with a community organization. My hope is to incorporate dance, video, and performance into the piece.

University Settlement is the oldest settlement house in the US and they just celebrated their 125th anniversary in 2010. The organization has a fascinating history, including anecdotes about Eleanor Roosevelt teaching dance classes there as a young woman. For the 125th, I did an interview with Alison Fleminger, who runs their Performance Project. If you didn’t get a chance to read it, you can have a look at the link below:
• “The Rebirth of the Settlement House Movement

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Cultural Strategies Initiative

I’ve recently joined the Cultural Strategies Initiative as a Fellow. It’s a relatively new organization that’s focused on building “cross-sector projects and knowledge that will help to illuminate and activate art’s role in saving the world.” No small ambitions here!

Anyhow, as a fellow I’ll be continuing my arts journalism work and undertake a new book project that I started on late last year. In this book I’ll be examining the ways that the arts are currently valued in the US and suggest an entirely new way of thinking about their value. No small ambitions here either…

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Millay in Fall

I found out that I’ve been offer a residency at the Millay Colony for the month of October. This opportunity couldn’t come at a better time. I’m at the start of two major writing projects and will be able to get a great start on them during my time upstate. Also hope to get in a good number of walks in the woods.

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