It’s been a busy year. My Jesus Year, according to popular lore. When I haven’t had my head down, there has been much to see and do.
Thank you to everyone who provided support, help, comfort, friendship, fun and moments of joy this year. Thanks to everyone who took time to read my work and to those who responded to it. Thanks to everyone who made the work that I enjoyed and responded to. Thanks to all the communities that have welcomed and provided space for me and many others. I’ve met so many wonderful new people this year and spent time with people I’ve come to know much better over these twelve months. I am very grateful that each of you have helped widen my world and share your worlds with me.
I remain very curious to see what’s coming next.
Have a wonderful end of the year, my love to those who are dealing with difficulty this solstice season, and my wishes for a happy New Year to all!